About Us

Aiming to be your trusted and valued energy partner

We are more than just an Energy Broker

At first sight the energy market can seem an overly complicated market place and one which has developed bad image for itself. Suppliers are becoming harder to interact with and lacking in personal service, and now with many consultants and brokers seemingly following the same path or employing unethical pushy and persistent ‘sales tactics’ which has not helped the cause.

After becoming disillusioned with this image and seeing a need in the marketplace for more consultants and brokers who are able operate in an honest and transparent way, Exe Energy was created by its director Graham Heals to utilise his vast energy knowledge and remove some this complexity and risk for his clients.

Energy Consultants Pylons
Energy Consultant Wind Turbine
Exe Energy EPCs

Pioneers in saving you money

Let us use our contacts to help save on your all your power needs without any direct cost to you

Management Pillars

A strong team with years of experience
Graham Heals - Founder of Exe Energy

Graham Heals


Graham has over 20 years energy experience for both a major supplier and on a consultancy basis

+ 0 %
50 %
Less consumption